The "giant component" of a graph is defined as the component of the largest order (i.e. most number of nodes)





tidygraph object


the giant component of the input tidygraph object or all components except for the giant component


gr_large <- quick_forestfire(10, name = LETTERS) gr_small <- quick_forestfire(5, name = letters) gr <- tidygraph::bind_graphs(gr_large, gr_small) gr
#> # A tbl_graph: 15 nodes and 28 edges #> # #> # A directed acyclic simple graph with 2 components #> # #> # Node Data: 15 x 1 (active) #> name #> <chr> #> 1 A #> 2 B #> 3 C #> 4 D #> 5 E #> 6 F #> # … with 9 more rows #> # #> # Edge Data: 28 x 2 #> from to #> <int> <int> #> 1 1 2 #> 2 1 3 #> 3 2 3 #> # … with 25 more rows
#> # A tbl_graph: 10 nodes and 21 edges #> # #> # A directed acyclic simple graph with 1 component #> # #> # Node Data: 10 x 1 (active) #> name #> <chr> #> 1 A #> 2 B #> 3 C #> 4 D #> 5 E #> 6 F #> # … with 4 more rows #> # #> # Edge Data: 21 x 2 #> from to #> <int> <int> #> 1 1 2 #> 2 1 3 #> 3 2 3 #> # … with 18 more rows
#> # A tbl_graph: 5 nodes and 7 edges #> # #> # A directed acyclic simple graph with 1 component #> # #> # Node Data: 5 x 1 (active) #> name #> <chr> #> 1 a #> 2 b #> 3 c #> 4 d #> 5 e #> # #> # Edge Data: 7 x 2 #> from to #> <int> <int> #> 1 1 2 #> 2 2 3 #> 3 1 3 #> # … with 4 more rows