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About Me

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My name is Joshua Cook and I am Computational Genomics Research Scientist at Vertex Pharmaceuticals in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. This page is meant as a brief introduction to my background. If you have further questions or want to get in touch, please use the links on the homepage to contact me!


  1. University of California, Irvine

    B.S. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; B.S. Chemistry

    2013 – 2017
    Add details here.

  2. Harvard Medical School

    Ph.D. Biological and Biomedical Sciences

    2017 – 2023
    Add details here.

Work Experience

  1. Vertex Pharmaceuticals

    Computational Genomics Research Scientist

    2023 - Current
    Add details here.


Python, R, Rust, and Swift programming

I am proficient in Python and R programming, with a particular specialization in data science, though I use Python often to build tools for a variety of tasks. I am currently learning Rust and have experience with Swift for iOS, macOS, and watchOS development.

Bayesian data analysis

In graduate school, I discovered a passion for Bayesian statistics. Below is a project page I put together collating as many of my Bayesian analyses as I could. Currently, my job does not directly utilize this specific skill set, but Bayesian statistics still influences my reasoning process.

Bayesian Data Analysis
36 words·1 min· loading · loading
Data Science Bayesian Statistics

Machine learning

More text about ML.

Data visualization

Add more text here about data vis.

Hobbies and Interests

Outside of work and programming, I try to get outdoors as much as possible, namely though hiking, camping, backpacking, running, and fishing.

When the weather turns here in Boston, I spend my time indoors by exercising, reading, baking bread, and tending to my plants.

You can learn more about my hobbies here.