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Using a progress bar while multiprocessing in Python
·652 words·4 mins· loading · loading
Dev Tutorial Python
Caution when using Python's `Final` type hint on mutable objects.
·689 words·4 mins· loading · loading
Dev Tutorial Python Type Hinting
Quickstart for playing with LLMs locally
·1193 words·6 mins· loading · loading
Dev Tutorial ML/AI Python


Build and push a Rust project to Deta on GitHub Actions
·835 words·4 mins· loading · loading
Dev GitHub Rust App
Leveraging generic type hints of classes in Python
·805 words·4 mins· loading · loading
Dev Python Type Hinting Programming Tutorial


Dirichlet Regression with PyMC
·1423 words·7 mins· loading · loading
Dev Bayesian PyMC Data Analysis Modeling Statistics Python
PyMC3 MCMC performance with and without Theano's NumPy BLAS warning (updated with PyMC v4 comparison!)
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Dev Data Analysis Bayesian PyMC Python Modeling
SwiftBar plugin for storing text snippets
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Dev Python App Productivity


Type hinting a list subclass in Python with function overloading
·1357 words·7 mins· loading · loading
Dev Python Type Hinting Tutorial
Setting up Appwrite on DigitalOcean
·877 words·5 mins· loading · loading
Dev Hacktoberfest Tutorial App