I’ve been interested in watches for a long time, but only recently had the disposable income to purchase high-quality timepieces. With this freedom, I’ve become a nascent watch nerd.
My first ever watch is the class Timex Expedition that my parents agreed to buy for me when I found it in a department store. I specifically remember wearing this constantly throughout elementary school and using the Indiglo feature when they would take me along on their date-night to the theatre.
In undergrad, I purchased a few quartz watches, most memorably, a Timex Weekender Chornograph that I would use to time steps of experiments in lab. Also at this time, my girlfriend bought me a Casio A168W that I cherish to this day.
Early in graduate school, I switched to an Apple Watch, namely for tracking my runs. I’m now on my second, and while they are great devices (I would have considered them magic at the time I was wearing my Expedition) I felt it was time to wear a proper watch.
My first mechanical watch purchase was a Seiko SRPE93, a.k.a. the “Turtle.” I remember learning about this watch on a podcast in undergrad and still loved this model’s style and history when I went searching for my second “first watch.” And I’m happy to say that I still adore my Turtle and find it such a character-filled piece. I look forward to acquiring more pieces as I progress through life, carefully selecting pieces that uniquely appeal to me and for special events, achievements, and milestones.
(Pictures to come!)
As a footnote, I want to mention that, as this passion is more consumptive than productive, I am careful to spend too much time and money and, I more precisely think of this as an interest rather than a hobby.
Header and thumbnail image credit to Worn & Wound in their Deep Dive on the Turtle model line (https://wornandwound.com/deep-dive-the-evolution-of-the-seiko-turtle/).