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Non-linear model of serial dilutions with Stan
·1972 words·10 mins· loading · loading
Data Science R Stan Modeling Bayesian Data Analysis


Conducting a Bayesian analysis with 'rstanarm' and publishing with 'distill'
·1204 words·6 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Bayesian Data Analysis


Riddler: Can You Beat MLB Recods?
·1210 words·6 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Puzzle
Uncanny X-Men: Bayesian take on Dr. Silge’s analysis
·3138 words·15 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Bayesian Statistics Data Analysis
Riddler: Can You Just Keep Turning?
·2277 words·11 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Puzzle
Riddler: Can you solve the not-so-corn maze?
·1805 words·9 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Puzzle
Riddler: Can You Track The Delirious Ducks?
·1869 words·9 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Puzzle
Riddler: Can You Roll The Perfect Bowl?
·2049 words·10 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Puzzle
Riddler: Can You Solve This Rather Pedestrian Puzzle?
·2162 words·11 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Puzzle
Riddler: Can You Tell When The Snow Started?
·1151 words·6 mins· loading · loading
Dev R Puzzle