from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, Sequence
import re
import pandas as pd
import plotnine as gg
import janitor
_ = gg.theme_set(
+ gg.theme(
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
library_pal = {"pymc3": "#12698A", "stan": "#B2001D"}
project_root_dir = Path("..")
benchmarks_dir = project_root_dir / "benchmarks"
n_benchmarks = len(list(benchmarks_dir.iterdir()))
print(f"number of benchmark files: {n_benchmarks}")
model_size_csv = project_root_dir / "model-result-file-sizes.csv"
assert model_size_csv.is_file() and model_size_csv.exists()
number of benchmark files: 640
colname | type (unit) | description |
s | float (seconds) | Running time in seconds |
h:m:s | string (-) | Running time in hour, minutes, seconds format |
max_rss | float (MB) | Maximum "Resident Set Size”, this is the non-swapped physical memory a process has used. |
max_vms | float (MB) | Maximum “Virtual Memory Size”, this is the total amount of virtual memory used by the process |
max_uss | float (MB) | “Unique Set Size”, this is the memory which is unique to a process and which would be freed if the process was terminated right now. |
max_pss | float (MB) | “Proportional Set Size”, is the amount of memory shared with other processes, accounted in a way that the amount is divided evenly between the processes that share it (Linux only) |
io_in | float (MB) | the number of MB read (cumulative). |
io_out | float (MB) | the number of MB written (cumulative). |
mean_load | float (-) | CPU usage over time, divided by the total running time (first row) |
cpu_time | float(-) | CPU time summed for user and system |
def read_benchmark(file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
return (
pd.read_table(file, sep="\t")
.assign(, ""))
.rename(columns={"index": "bench_rep"})
def stan_or_pymc3(names: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]:
return [re.findall("stan|pymc3", n)[0] for n in names]
def _fix_simple_model_names(names: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]:
new_names: list[str] = []
for name in names:
name.replace("simple-pymc3-", "simple_pymc3_").replace(
"simple-stan-", "simple_stan_"
return new_names
def parse_model_names(df: pd.DataFrame, col: str = "name") -> pd.DataFrame:
return df.assign(
library=lambda d: stan_or_pymc3(d[col]),
model=lambda d: [x.split("_")[0].strip() for x in d[col]],
data_size=lambda d: [x.split("_")[2].strip() for x in d[col]],
replicate=lambda d: [int(x.split("__")[1].strip()) for x in d[col]],
benchmarks = (
pd.concat(read_benchmark(f) for f in benchmarks_dir.iterdir() if f.suffix == ".tsv")
.assign(name=lambda d: _fix_simple_model_names(
.assign(time_minutes=lambda d: d.s / 60.0)
.sort_values(["model", "library", "data_size", "replicate", "bench_rep"])
bench_rep | s | h:m:s | max_rss | max_vms | max_uss | max_pss | io_in | io_out | mean_load | cpu_time | name | library | model | data_size | replicate | time_minutes | |
1060 | 0 | 157.0689 | 0:02:37 | 888.70 | 3256.28 | 237.42 | 246.27 | 0.06 | 95.09 | 8.57 | 37.74 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | 2.617815 |
1061 | 1 | 38.9792 | 0:00:38 | 249.58 | 976.44 | 244.29 | 244.42 | 0.02 | 7.11 | 21.23 | 8.90 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | 0.649653 |
1062 | 2 | 34.6555 | 0:00:34 | 229.78 | 974.37 | 224.77 | 224.91 | 0.00 | 7.88 | 26.18 | 8.93 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | 0.577592 |
1063 | 3 | 40.1311 | 0:00:40 | 232.88 | 974.37 | 227.70 | 227.84 | 0.00 | 7.86 | 22.45 | 8.08 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | 0.668852 |
1064 | 4 | 38.9467 | 0:00:38 | 237.24 | 974.45 | 232.02 | 232.16 | 0.00 | 8.48 | 20.88 | 8.72 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | 0.649112 |
1165 | 0 | 154.5477 | 0:02:34 | 833.35 | 3256.34 | 204.80 | 216.05 | 0.06 | 95.09 | 9.14 | 33.01 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__2 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 2 | 2.575795 |
1166 | 1 | 38.7148 | 0:00:38 | 248.48 | 976.81 | 204.54 | 215.84 | 0.00 | 8.45 | 21.01 | 8.54 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__2 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 2 | 0.645247 |
1167 | 2 | 40.7164 | 0:00:40 | 223.93 | 974.37 | 185.11 | 193.82 | 0.00 | 7.88 | 20.49 | 8.56 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__2 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 2 | 0.678607 |
1168 | 3 | 38.9092 | 0:00:38 | 226.15 | 956.39 | 183.85 | 194.33 | 0.00 | 8.43 | 21.22 | 8.43 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__2 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 2 | 0.648487 |
1169 | 4 | 36.1236 | 0:00:36 | 239.01 | 1000.94 | 196.68 | 207.18 | 0.00 | 7.89 | 23.33 | 8.65 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__2 | pymc3 | 2tier-hier | 10-10-5-5 | 2 | 0.602060 |
benchmark_metrics = [
benchmark_ids = ["name", "model", "library", "data_size", "replicate"]
benchmarks_long = (
benchmarks[benchmark_ids + benchmark_metrics]
.query("value != '-'")
.astype({"value": "float"})
benchmarks_long["variable"] = pd.Categorical(
benchmarks_long["variable"], categories=benchmark_metrics, ordered=True
name | model | library | data_size | replicate | variable | value | |
0 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | 2tier-hier | pymc3 | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | time_minutes | 2.617815 |
1 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | 2tier-hier | pymc3 | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | time_minutes | 0.649653 |
2 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | 2tier-hier | pymc3 | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | time_minutes | 0.577592 |
3 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | 2tier-hier | pymc3 | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | time_minutes | 0.668852 |
4 | 2tier-hier_pymc3_10-10-5-5__1 | 2tier-hier | pymc3 | 10-10-5-5 | 1 | time_minutes | 0.649112 |
def order_data_sizes_by_average_value(
df: pd.DataFrame, variable: str, col: str = "value"
) -> pd.DataFrame:
x_order = (
.query(f"variable == '{variable}'")
df["data_size"] = pd.Categorical(df["data_size"], categories=x_order, ordered=True)
return df
dpos = gg.position_dodge(width=0.8)
jpos = gg.position_jitterdodge(jitter_width=0.2, jitter_height=0, dodge_width=0.8)
_fig_width = {"2tier-hier": 10, "hierarchical": 12}
for model in benchmarks_long.model.unique():
plot_df = (
benchmarks_long.query(f"model == '{model}'")
.pipe(order_data_sizes_by_average_value, variable="time_minutes")
gg.ggplot(plot_df, gg.aes(x="factor(data_size)", y="value", color="library"))
+ gg.facet_wrap("variable", scales="free", ncol=2)
+ gg.geom_boxplot(outlier_alpha=0, position=dpos)
+ gg.geom_jitter(size=0.7, alpha=0.3, position=jpos)
+ gg.scale_y_log10()
+ gg.scale_color_manual(values=library_pal)
+ gg.theme(
subplots_adjust={"wspace": 0.25, "hspace": 0.15},
figure_size=(_fig_width.get(model, 8), 10),
+ gg.labs(x="data size", y="value", color="library", title=model)
def model_difference(df):
diff = (
df[df.library == "pymc3"].value.mean() - df[df.library == "stan"].value.mean()
return diff
benchmarks_diff = (
benchmarks_long.groupby(["model", "data_size", "variable"])
.rename(columns={0: "difference_pymc3_stan"})
for model in benchmarks_diff.model.unique():
_df = (
benchmarks_diff.query(f"model == '{model}'")
which_lib=lambda d: [
"pymc3" if x > 0 else "stan" for x in d.difference_pymc3_stan
gg.ggplot(_df, gg.aes(y="data_size", x="difference_pymc3_stan"))
+ gg.facet_wrap("~variable", scales="free_x", ncol=2)
+ gg.geom_path(group=1, linetype="--", size=0.6, alpha=0.5)
+ gg.geom_point(gg.aes(color="which_lib"))
+ gg.geom_vline(xintercept=0)
+ gg.scale_color_manual(values=library_pal)
+ gg.theme(
figure_size=(8, 10),
subplots_adjust={"wspace": 0.15, "hspace": 0.20},
+ gg.labs(title=model, x="← Stan | PyMC3 →", y="data size")
simple_reg_benchmarks = (
benchmarks_long.copy().query("model == 'simple'").astype({"data_size": int})
simple_reg_benchmarks_avg = (
simple_reg_benchmarks.groupby(["variable", "library", "data_size"])
gg.ggplot(simple_reg_benchmarks, gg.aes(x="data_size", y="value", color="library"))
+ gg.facet_wrap("variable", scales="free_y", ncol=2)
+ gg.geom_jitter(size=0.4, alpha=0.4, width=0.1, height=0)
+ gg.geom_point(data=simple_reg_benchmarks_avg, shape="D", size=1.5)
+ gg.geom_line(data=simple_reg_benchmarks_avg, linetype="--", size=0.6)
+ gg.scale_x_log10()
+ gg.scale_y_log10()
+ gg.scale_color_manual(values=library_pal)
+ gg.theme(
subplots_adjust={"wspace": 0.2, "hspace": 0.15},
figure_size=(8, 10),
+ gg.labs(x="data size ($\\log_{10}$)", y="value ($\\log_{10}$)", color="library")
<ggplot: (342898667)>
hierarchical_mdl_bench = (
.query("model == 'hierarchical'")
n_pts=lambda d: [int(x.split("-")[0]) for x in d.data_size],
n_groups=lambda d: [int(x.split("-")[1]) for x in d.data_size],
n_covs=lambda d: [int(x.split("-")[2]) for x in d.data_size],
name | model | library | data_size | replicate | variable | value | n_pts | n_groups | n_covs | |
0 | hierarchical_pymc3_10-10-2__1 | hierarchical | pymc3 | 10-10-2 | 1 | time_minutes | 2.984062 | 10 | 10 | 2 |
1 | hierarchical_pymc3_10-10-2__1 | hierarchical | pymc3 | 10-10-2 | 1 | time_minutes | 0.475132 | 10 | 10 | 2 |
2 | hierarchical_pymc3_10-10-2__1 | hierarchical | pymc3 | 10-10-2 | 1 | time_minutes | 0.788087 | 10 | 10 | 2 |
3 | hierarchical_pymc3_10-10-2__1 | hierarchical | pymc3 | 10-10-2 | 1 | time_minutes | 0.487678 | 10 | 10 | 2 |
4 | hierarchical_pymc3_10-10-2__1 | hierarchical | pymc3 | 10-10-2 | 1 | time_minutes | 0.410117 | 10 | 10 | 2 |
hier_5cov_df = hierarchical_mdl_bench.copy().query(
"variable == 'time_minutes' and n_covs == 5"
hier_5cov_df_avg = (
hier_5cov_df.groupby(["n_groups", "library"])["value"]
gg.ggplot(hier_5cov_df, gg.aes(x="factor(n_groups)", y="value", color="library"))
+ gg.geom_jitter(width=0.1, height=0, size=0.5, alpha=0.4)
+ gg.geom_line(
gg.aes(color="library", group="library"),
+ gg.geom_point(data=hier_5cov_df_avg, size=2, shape="D")
+ gg.scale_x_log10()
+ gg.scale_y_log10()
+ gg.scale_color_manual(values=library_pal)
+ gg.labs(
x="number of groups",
y="time (minutes)",
title="Runtime for hierarchcal linear models with five covariates",
<ggplot: (341334583)>
import seaborn as sns
two_tier_bench = (
.query("model == '2tier-hier'")
.filter_column_isin("variable", ["max_rss", "time_minutes"])
.assign(variable=lambda d: d["variable"].astype(str))
.pipe(order_data_sizes_by_average_value, variable="time_minutes")
).set_titles("{col_name}").set(yscale="log", xlabel="data size", ylabel=None)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x146a0d2b0>
result_file_sizes = pd.read_csv(model_size_csv).filter_string("name", "__").pipe(parse_model_names)
breaks: dict[str, float] = {"0.5 GB": 500, "1 GB": 1000, "10 GB": 10000}
gg.ggplot(result_file_sizes, gg.aes(x="data_size", y="mb", fill="library"))
+ gg.facet_wrap("model", ncol=1, scales="free")
+ gg.geom_col(position="dodge")
+ gg.geom_hline(yintercept=breaks.values(), linetype="--", color="black")
+ gg.scale_y_log10(expand=(0, 0, 0.02, 0))
+ gg.scale_fill_brewer(type="qual", palette="Set1")
+ gg.theme(
figure_size=(4, 8),
subplots_adjust={"hspace": 0.5},
+ gg.labs(x="data size", y="pickled result file ($\\log_{10}$ MB)", fill="library")
<ggplot: (343762327)>
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -d -u -v -iv -b -h -m
Last updated: 2021-12-26 Python implementation: CPython Python version : 3.9.7 IPython version : 7.29.0 Compiler : Clang 11.1.0 OS : Darwin Release : 20.6.0 Machine : x86_64 Processor : i386 CPU cores : 4 Architecture: 64bit Hostname: JHCookMac.local Git branch: custom-benchmarking re : 2.2.1 sys : 3.9.7 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Sep 29 2021, 20:33:18) [Clang 11.1.0 ] plotnine: 0.8.0 janitor : 0.21.2 pandas : 1.3.4