colname type (unit) description
s float (seconds) Running time in seconds
h:m:s string (-) Running time in hour, minutes, seconds format
max_rss float (MB) Maximum "Resident Set Size”, this is the non-swapped physical memory a process has used.
max_vms float (MB) Maximum “Virtual Memory Size”, this is the total amount of virtual memory used by the process
max_uss float (MB) “Unique Set Size”, this is the memory which is unique to a process and which would be freed if the process was terminated right now.
max_pss float (MB) “Proportional Set Size”, is the amount of memory shared with other processes, accounted in a way that the amount is divided evenly between the processes that share it (Linux only)
io_in float (MB) the number of MB read (cumulative).
io_out float (MB) the number of MB written (cumulative).
mean_load float (-) CPU usage over time, divided by the total running time (first row)
cpu_time float(-) CPU time summed for user and system