Personal Spotify Data Analysis

A website to show the results of analyzing the data Spotify has collected of me.



Spotify allows users to request the information that Spotify has collected of them. Out of curiosity, I have downloaded my data and have begun analyzing it. This is still a work in progress, but everything I have done is available on this website.

Some details

Accessing your data

Spotify allows users to request the information that Spotify has collected of them. It is available by accessing Spotify’s web application on a Browser and navigating to “Profile”/“Acount”/“Privacy settings” and scrolling to the bottom.

How to download your personal data from the Spotify website.

Building a website with R Markdown and Distill

All of the data processing and analysis presented here was conducted in R using the R Markdown format/system/way-of-life and then turned into a website using the ‘Distill’ package.


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.