15 Section 17. Notes on ‘Ch 19. Parametric nonlinear models’


These are just notes on a single chapter of BDA3 that were not part of the course.

15.1 Chapter 19. Parametric nonlinear models

  • examples:
    • a ratio; \(\text{E}(y = \frac{a_1 + b_1 x_1}{a_2 + b_2 x_2}\)
    • sum of nonlinear functions: \(\text{E}(y) = A_1 e^{-\alpha_1x} + A_2 e^{-\alpha_2x}\)
  • parameters of a nonlinear model are often harder to interpret
    • often requires custom visualization techniques
  • “Generally each new modeling problem must be tackled afresh.” (pg 471)
    • these models are less systematic than linear modeling

19.1 Example: serial dilution assay

  • estimate 10 unknown concentrations of an allergen based off of serial dilutions of a known standard

The model

  • Notation:
    • parameters of interest: concentrations of unknown samples \(\theta_1, \dots, \theta_10\)
    • known concentration of the standard \(\theta_0\)
    • dilution of measure \(i\) as \(x_i\) and color intensity (measurement) as \(y_i\)
  • Curve of expected measurements given the concentration
    • use the following equation that is standard in the field
    • parameters:
      • \(\beta_1\): color intensity at the limit of 0 concentration
      • \(\beta_2\): the increase to saturation
      • \(\beta_3\): concentration at which the gradient of the curve turns
      • \(\beta_4\): rate at which saturation occurs

\[ \text{E}(y | x, \beta) = g(x, \beta) = \beta_1 + \frac{\beta_2}{1 + (x / \beta_3)^{-\beta_4}} \]

  • Measurement error
    • modeled as normally distributed with unequal variances
    • parameters:
      • \(\alpha\): models the pattern that variances are higher for larger measurements
        • restricted \([0, 1]\)
      • \(A\) is a arbitrary constant to scale the data so \(\sigma\) can be interpreted as the deviation from “typical” values
      • \(\sigma\): deviation of a measure from the “typical”

\[ y_i \sim \text{N}(g(x_i, \beta), (\frac{g(x_i, \beta)}{A})^{2\alpha} \sigma_y^2) \]

  • Dilution errors
    • two possible sources:
      1. initial dilution: the accuracy of the creation of the initial standard concentration
      2. serial dilutions: error in creation of the subsequent dilutions (low enough to ignore for this analysis)
    • use a normal model on the log scale of the initial dilution error
    • parameters:
      • \(\theta_0\): known concentration of the standard solution
      • \(d_0^\text{init}\): known initial dilution of the standard that is called for
        • without error, the concentration of the initial solution would be \(d_0^\text{init} \theta_0\)
      • \(x_0^\text{init}\): the actual (unknown) concentration of the initial dilution

\[ \log(x_0^\text{init}) \sim \text{N}(\log(d_0^\text{init} \cdot \theta_0), (\sigma^\text{init})^2) \]

  • Dilution errors (cont)
    • there is no initial dilution for the unknown samples being tested
      • therefore, the unknown initial concentration for sample \(j\) is \(x^\text{init} = \theta_j\) for \(j = 1, \dots, 10\)
      • for the dilutions of the unknown samples, set \(x_i = d_i \cdot x_{j(i)}^\text{init}\)
        • \(j(i)\) is the sample \(j\) corresponding to measurement \(i\)
        • \(d_i\) is the dilution of measurement \(i\) relative to the initial concentration

Prior distributions

  • priors used as described by book (are likely different than what would be recommended now):
    • \(\log(\beta) \sim U(-\infty, \infty)\)
    • \(\sigma_y \sim U(0, \infty)\)
    • \(\alpha \sim U(0,1)\)
    • \(p(\log \theta_j) \propto 1\) for each unknown \(j = 1, \dots, 10\)
  • cannot estimate \(\sigma^\text{init}\) because we only have a single standard
    • use a fixed value of 0.02 based on a previous analysis of different plates

19.2 Example: population toxicokinetics

  • this is a more complex model
  • uses a physiological model with parameters that cannot be solely determined using the data
    • requires informative priors based on previous studies