19 Section 21. Notes on ‘Ch 23. Dirichlet process models’


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These are just notes on a single chapter of BDA3 that were not part of the course.

19.1 Chapter 23. Dirichlet process models

  • Dirichlet process: an infinite-dimensional generalization of the Dirichlet distribution
    • used as a prior on unknown distributions
    • can extend finite component mixture models to infinite mixture models

23.1 Bayesian histograms

  • the histogram as a simple form of density estimation
    • demonstrate a flexible parametric version that motivates the non-parametric in the following section
  • prespecified knots: \(\xi = (\xi_0, \dots, \xi_k)\) with \(\xi_{n-1} < \xi_n\)
  • probability model for the density (a histogram):
    • where \(\pi = (\pi_1, \dots, \pi_k)\) is an unknown probability vector

\[ f(y) = \sum_{h=1}^k 1_{\xi_{h-1} < y \le \xi_h} \frac{\pi_h}{(\xi_h - \xi_{h-1})} \]

  • prior for the probabilities \(\pi\) as a Dirichlet distribution:

\[ p(\pi|a) = \frac{\Gamma(\sum_{h=1}^k a_h)}{\prod_{h=1}^k \Gamma(a_h)} \prod_{h=1}^k \pi _h^{a_h - 1} \]

  • replace the hyperparameter vector: \(a = \alpha \pi_0\) where \(\pi_0\) is:

\[ \text{E}(\pi|a) = \pi_0 = \left( \frac{a_1}{\sum_h a_h}, \dots, \frac{a_k}{\sum_h a_h} \right) \]

  • the posterior for \(\pi\) becomes:
    • where \(n_i\) is the number of observations \(y\) in the \(i\)th bin

\[ p(\pi | y) \propto \prod_{h=1}^k \pi_h^{a_h + n_h - 1} = \text{Dirichlet}(a_1 + n_1, \dots, a_k + n_k) \]

  • this histogram estimator does well but is sensitive to the specification of the knots

23.2 Dirichlet process prior distributions

Definition and basic properties

  • goal is to not need to prespecify the bins of the histogram
  • let:
    • \(\Omega\): sample space
    • \(B_1, \dots, B_k\): measure subsets of \(\Omega\)
  • if \(\Omega = \Re\), then \(B_1, \dots, B_k\) are non-overlapping intervals that partition the real line into a finite number of bins
  • \(P\): unknown probability measure of \((\Omega, \mathcal{B})\)
    • \(\mathcal{B}\): “collection of all possible subsets of the sample space \(\Omega\)
    • \(P\) assigns probabilities to the subsets \(\mathcal{B}\)
    • probability for a set of bins \(B_1, \dots, B_k\) partitioning \(\Omega\):

\[ P(B_1), \dots, P(B_k) = \left( \int_{B_1} f(y) dy, \dots, \int_{B_k} f(y) dy \right) \]

  • \(P\) is a random probability measure (RPM), so the bin probabilities are random variables
  • a good prior for the bin probabilities is the Dirichlet distribution @ref(eq:dirichlet-prior
    • where \(P_0\) is a base probability measure providing the initial guess at \(P\)
    • where \(\alpha\) is a prior concentration parameter
      • controls shrinkage of \(P\) towards \(P_0\)

\[ P(B_1), \dots, P(B_k) \sim \text{Dirichlet}(\alpha P_0(B_1), \dots, \alpha P_0(B_k)) \tag{19.1} \]

  • difference with previous Bayesian histogram: only specifies that bin \(B_k\) is assigned probability \(P(B_k)\) and not how probability mass is distributed across the bin \(B_k\)
    • thus, for a fixed set s of bins, this equation does not full specify the prior for \(P\)
    • need to eliminate the sensitivity to the choice of bins by assuming the prior holds for all possible partitions \(B_1, \dots, B_k\) for all \(k\)
      • then it is a fully specified prior for \(P\)
  • “must exist a random probability measure \(P\) such that the probabilities assigned to any measurable partition \(B_1, \dots, B_k\) by \(P\) is \(\text{Dirichlet}(\alpha P_0(B_1), \dots, \alpha P_0(B_k))\)
    • the resulting \(P\) is a Dirichlet process:
      • \(P \sim \text{DP}(\alpha P_0)\)
      • \(\alpha > 0\): a scalar precision parameter
      • \(P_0\): baseline probability measure also on \((\Omega, \mathcal{B})\)
  • implications of DP:
    • the marginal random probability assigned to any subset \(B\) is a beta distribution
      • \(P(B) \sim \text{Beta}(\alpha PP_0(B), \alpha (1-P_0(B)))\) for all \(B \in \mathcal{B}\)
    • the prior for \(P\) is centered on \(P_0\): \(E(P(B)) = P_0(B)\)
    • \(\alpha\) controls variance
      • \(\text{var}(P(B)) = \frac{P_0(B)(1 - P_0(B))}{1 + \alpha}\)
  • get posterior for \(P\):
    • let \(y_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} P\) fir \(i = 1, \dots, n\)
    • \(P \sim \text{DP}(\alpha P_0)\)
      • \(P\) denotes the probability measure and its corresponding distribution
    • from (19.1), for any partition \(B_1, \dots, B_k\):

\[ p(B_1), \dots, P(B_k) | y_1, \dots, y_k \sim \text{Dirichlet} \left( \alpha P_0(B_1) + \sum_{i=1}^n 1_{y_i \in B_1}, \dots, \alpha P_0(B_k) + \sum_{i=1}^n 1_{y_i \in B_k} \right) \]

  • this can be converted to the following:

\[ P | y_1, \dots, y_n \sim \text{DP} \left( \alpha P_0 \sum_i \delta_{y+i} \right) \]

  • finally, the posterior expectation of \(P\):

\[ \text{E}(P(B) | y^n) = \left(\frac{\alpha}{\alpha + n} \right) P_0(B) + \left(\frac{n}{\alpha + n} \right) \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{n} \delta_{y_i} \tag{19.2} \]

  • DP is a model similar to a random histogram but without dependence on the bins
  • cons of a DP prior:
    • lack of smoothness
    • induces negative correlation between \(P(B_1)\) and \(P(B_2)\) for any two disjoint bins with no account for the distance between them
    • realizations from the DP are discrete distributions
      • with \(P \sim \text{DP}(\alpha P_0)\), \(P\) is atomic and have nonzero weights only on a set of atoms, not a continuous density on the real line

Stick-breaking construction

  • more intuitive understanding of DP
  • induce \(P \sim \text{DP}(\alpha P_0)\) by letting:

\[ \begin{aligned} P(\cdot) &= \sum_{h=1}^{\infty} \pi_h \delta_{\theta_h}(\cdot) \\ \pi_h &= V_h \prod_{l<h} (1 - V_i) \\ V_h &\sim \text{Beta}(1, \alpha) \\ \theta_h &\sim P_0 \end{aligned} \]

  • where:
    • \(P_0\): base distribution
    • \(\delta_\theta\): degenerate distribution with all mass at \(\theta\)
    • \((\theta_h)_{h=1}^{\infty}\): the atoms generated independently by from \(P_0\)
      • the atoms are generated by the stick-breaking process
      • this ensures the weights sum to 1
    • \(\pi_h\): probability mass at atom \(\theta_h\)
  • the stick-breaking process:
    • start with a stick of length 1
      • represents the total probability allocated to all the atoms
    • break off a random piece of length \(V_1\) determined by a draw from \(\text{Beta}(1, \alpha)\)
    • set \(\pi_1 = V_1\) as the probability weight to the randomly generated first atom \(\theta_1 \sim P_0\)
    • break off another piece of the remaining stick (now length \(1-V_1\)): \(V_2 \sim \text{Beta}(1, \alpha)\)
    • set \(\pi_2 = V_2(1-V_1)\) as the probability weight to the next atom \(\theta_2 \sim P_0\)
    • repeat until the stick is fully used
  • implications:
    • during the process, the stick get shorter, so lengths allocated to later indexed atoms decrease stochastically
    • rate of decrease of stick length depends on \(\alpha\)
      • \(\alpha\) near 0 lead to high weights early on
  • below are realizations of the stick breaking process
    • set \(P_0\) as a standard normal distribution and vary \(\alpha\)
stick_breaking_process <- function(alpha, n = 1000) {
  theta <- rnorm(n, 0, 1) # P0 = standard normal
  vs <- rbeta(n, 1, alpha)
  pi <- rep(0, n)
  pi[1] <- vs[1]
  stick <- 1.0 - vs[1]
  for (h in 2:n) {
    pi[h] <- vs[h] * stick
    stick <- stick - pi[h]
  return(list(theta = theta, pi = pi))

dp_realization <- stick_breaking_process(10)
#> [1] 1

tibble(alpha = c(0.5, 1, 5, 10)) %>%
    dp = purrr::map(alpha, stick_breaking_process, n = 1000),
    theta = purrr::map(dp, ~ .x$theta),
    pi = purrr::map(dp, ~ .x$pi)
  ) %>%
  select(-dp) %>%
  unnest(c(theta, pi)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = theta, y = pi)) +
  facet_wrap(vars(alpha), nrow = 2, scales = "fixed") +
  geom_col(width = 0.05) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(c(0.02, 0.02))) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(c(0, 0.02))) +
  labs(x = "\u03B8", y = "\u03C0")

23.3 Dirichlet process mixtures

Specification and Polya urns

  • “the DP is more appropriately used as a prior for an unknown mixture of distributions” (pg 549)
  • in the case of density estimation, a general kernel mixture model can be specified as (19.3)
    • \(\mathcal{K}(\cdot | \theta)\): a kernel
    • \(\theta\): location and possibly scale parameters
    • \(P\): “mixing measure”

\[ f(y|P) = \int \mathcal{K}(y|\theta) d P(\theta) \tag{19.3} \]

  • treating \(P\) as discrete results in a finite mixture model
  • setting a prior on \(P\) creates an infinite mixture model
    • prior: \(P \sim \pi_\mathcal{P}\)
      • \(\mathcal{P}\): space of all probability measures on \((\Omega, \mathcal{B})\)
      • \(\pi_\mathcal{P}\): the prior over the space defined by \(\mathcal{P}\)
  • if set \(\pi_\mathcal{P}\) as a DP prior, results in a DP mixture model
    • from (19.2) and (19.3), a DP prior on \(P\) results in (19.4)
    • where:
      • \(\pi = \sim \text{stick}(\alpha)\) denotes that the probability weights are from the stick-breaking process with parameter \(\alpha\)
      • \(\theta_h \sim P_0\) independently for each \(h=1, \dots, \infty\)

\[ f(y) = \sum_{h=1}^\infty \pi_h \mathcal{K}(y | \theta_h^*) \tag{19.4} \]

  • equation (19.4) resembles a finite mixture model except the number of mixture components in set to infinity
    • does not mean there will be infinite number of components
    • instead the model is just flexible to add more mixture components if necessary
  • consider the following specification
    • issue of how to conduct posterior computation with a DP mixture (DPM) because \(P\) has infinitely many parameters

\[ y_i \sim \mathcal{K}(\theta_i) \text{,} \quad \theta_i \sim P \text{,} \quad P \sim \text{DP}(\alpha P_0) \]

  • can marginalize out \(P\) to get an induced prior on the subject-specific parameters \(\theta^n = (\theta_1, \dots, \theta_n)\)
  • results in the Polya urn predictive rule:

\[ p(\theta_i | \theta_1, \dots, \theta_{i-1}) \sim \left( \frac{\alpha}{\alpha + i -1} \right) P_0(\theta_i) + \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \left( \frac{1}{\alpha + i - 1} \right) \delta_{\theta_j} \tag{19.5} \]

  • Chinese restaurant process as a metaphor for the Polya urn predictive rule (19.5):
    • consider a restaurant with infinitely many tables
    • the first customers sits at a table with dish \(\theta_1^*\)
    • the second customer sits at the first table with probability \(\frac{1}{1+\alpha}\) or a new table with probability \(\frac{\alpha}{1+\alpha}\)
    • repeat this process for the \(i\)th customer:
      • sit at an occupied table with probability \(\frac{c_j}{1 - i + \alpha}\) where \(c_j\) is the number of customers already at the table -sit at a new table with probability \(\frac{\alpha}{n-i+\alpha}\)
    • interpretation:
    • each table represents a cluster of subjects
    • the number of clusters depends on the number of subjects
    • makes sense to have the possibility of more clusters with more subjects (instead of a fixed number of clusters as in a finite mixture model)
  • there is a description of the sampling process for the posterior of \(\theta_i | \theta_{-i}\)

Hyperprior distribution

  • \(\alpha\): the DP precision parameter
    • plays a role in controlling the prior on the number of clusters
    • small, fixed \(\alpha\) favors allocation to few clusters (relative to sample size)
      • if \(\alpha=1\), the prior indicates that two randomly selected subjects have a 50/50 chance of belonging to the same cluster
    • alternatively can set a hyperprior on \(\alpha\) and let the data inform the value
      • common to use a Gamma distribution: \(\Gamma(a_\alpha, b_\alpha)\)
      • authors indicate that setting a hyperprior on \(\alpha\) tends to work well in practice
  • \(P_0\): base probability for the DP
    • can think of \(P_0\) as setting the prior for the cluster locations
    • can put hyperpriors on \(P_0\) parameters

23.4 Beyond density estimation

Nonparametric residual distributions

  • “The real attraction of Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) models is that they can be used much more broadly for relaxing parametric assumptions in hierarchical models.” (pg 557)
  • consider the linear regression with a nonparametric error distribution (19.6)
    • \(X_i = (X_{i1}, \dots, X_{ip})\): vector of predictors
    • \(\epsilon_i\): error term with distribution \(f\)

\[ y_i = X_i \beta + \epsilon_i \text{,} \quad \epsilon_i \sim f \tag{19.6} \]

  • can relax the assumption that \(f\) has parametric form

\[ \epsilon_i \sim N(0, \phi_i^{-1}) \text{,} \quad \phi \sim P \text{,} \quad P \sim \text{DP}(\alpha P_0) \]

Nonparametric models for parameters that vary by group

  • consider hierarchical linear models with varying coefficients
    • can account for uncertainty about the distribution of coefficients by placing a DP or DPM priors on them
    • where:
      • \(y_i = (y_{i1}, \dots, y_{in_i})\): repeated measurements for item \(i\)
      • \(\mu_i\): subject-specific mean
      • \(\epsilon_{ij}\): observation specific residual

\[ y_{ij} = \mu_i + \epsilon_{ij} \text{,} \quad \mu_i \sim f \text{,} \quad \epsilon_{ij} \sim g \tag{19.7} \]

  • typically for (19.7):
    • \(f \equiv N(\mu, \phi^{-1})\)
    • \(g \equiv N(0, \sigma^2)\)
  • can let more flexibility in characterizing variability among subjects:
    • \(\mu_i \sim P \text{,} \quad P \sim \text{DP}(\alpha P_0)\)
    • the DP prior induces a latent class model
      • the subjects are grouped into an unknown number of clusters (19.8)
      • \(S_i \in \{1, \dots, \infty\}\): latent class index
      • \(\pi_h\): probability of allocation to latent class \(h\)

\[ \mu_i = \mu^*_{S_i} \text{,} \quad \Pr(S_i = h) = \pi_h \text{,} \quad h = 1, 2, \dots \tag{19.8} \]

There is more to this chapter, but it is currently beyond my understanding. I hope to return to this chapter later with a better understanding of Dirichlet processes in the future.

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