16 Section 18. Notes on ‘Ch 20. Basis function models’


These are just notes on a single chapter of BDA3 that were not part of the course.

16.1 Chapter 20. Basis function models

  • chapter 19 focused on nonlinear models with \(\text{E}(y|X,\beta) = \mu(X_i,\phi)\) where \(\mu\) is a parametric nonlinear function of unknowns \(\phi\)
  • in this and following chapters, consider models where \(\mu\) is also unknown

20.1 Splines and weighted sums of basis functions

  • replace \(X_i \beta\) with \(\mu(X_i)\) where \(\mu(\cdot)\) is some class of nonlinear functions
    • different options for modeling \(\mu\) including with basis function expansions or Gaussian processes (next chapter)
  • basis function approach: \(\mu(x) = \sum_{h=1}^{H} \beta_h b_h(x)\)
    • \(b_h\): set of basis functions
    • \(\beta_h\): vector of basis coefficients
  • common choices for basis functions are:
    • Gaussian radial basis functions: multiple centers of the basis functions with a width parameter controlling a set of Gaussian functions
    • B-spline: a piecewise continuous function based on a set of knots
      • knots locations control the flexibility of the basis
      • knots cn be placed uniformly or non-uniformly (e.g. based on the density of the data)
      • can use a “free knot approach” with a prior on the number and location of knots, but is computationally demanding
      • instead can use priors on the coefficients \(\beta\) to shrink values to near 0

16.2 20.2 Basis selection and shrinkage coefficients

  • common to not know which basis functions are really needed
  • can use a variable selection approach to allow the model to estimate the “importance” of each basis function
    • can then either select the best model from the posterior or average over all possible models by weighting each basis by its importance
  • possible for some bias based on initial choice of the basis functions
    • implied prior information on the smoothness and shape of the model
    • can include multiple types of basis functions in the initial collection

Shrinkage priors

  • allowing basis function coefficients to be zero with positive probability represents a challenge for sampling from the posterior
    • with many basis functions, it is computationally infeasible to visit all possible states
  • may be better to use shrinkage priors instead
    • there are various options discussed in the book and there are likely others recommended now

16.3 20.3 Non-normal models and regression surfaces

Other error distributions

  • may want to model data that is not a continuous output variable \(y\) or does not have Gaussian residuals
    • can modify the residual densities with different prior distributions to accommodate outliers
    • can use the basis function and its coefficients \(\eta_i = w_i \beta\) as the linear component in a GLM

Multivariate regression surfaces

  • careful with curse of dimensionality
  • one option is to assume additive of the covariates so can model as the sum of univariate regression functions
    • this does not always make sense and a different approach using a tensor product is described at the end of the section
  • can use informative priors to help restrict the search space
    • is a form of including prior information, so still proper Bayesian results and measures of uncertainty
    • e.g. if we know a priori that the mean response variable is non-decreasing, restrict the coefficients \(\beta\) to be non-negative