5 Section 5. Markov chain Monte Carlo


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5.2 Notes

5.2.1 Reading instructions

  • Outline of the chapter 11
    • Markov chain simulation: before section 11.1, pages 275-276
    • 11.1 Gibbs sampler (an example of simple MCMC method)
    • 11.2 Metropolis and Metropolis-Hastings (an example of simple MCMC method)
    • 11.3 Using Gibbs and Metropolis as building blocks (can be skipped)
    • 11.4 Inference and assessing convergence (important)
    • 11.5 Effective number of simulation draws (important)
    • 11.6 Example: hierarchical normal model (skip this)
  • Animations
  • Convergence
    • theoretical convergence in an infinite time is different than practical convergence in a finite time
    • no exact moment when chain has converged
      • convergence diagnostics can help to find out if the chain is unlikely to be representative of the target distribution
  • \(\widehat{R}\) effective sample size (ESS, previously \(n_\text{eff}\))

5.2.2 Chapter 11. Basics of Markov chain simulation


  • MCMC: general method based on drawing values of \(\theta\) from approximate distributions and then correcting those draws to better approximate the target posterior distribution \(p(\theta, y)\)
    • Markov chain: a sequence of random variables \(\theta^1, \theta^2, \dots\) for which, for any \(t\), the distribution of \(\theta^t\) given all previous \(\theta\)’s depends only on the previous value \(\theta^{t-1}\)
  • general process:
    1. create several independent sequences
    2. each sequence \(\theta^1, \theta^2, \dots\) starts from some point \(\theta^0\)
    3. for each \(t\), draws \(\theta^t\) from the *transition distribution \(T_t (\theta^t | \theta^{t-1})\)
  • essential to check convergence of chains
  • this chapter introduces the Gibbs sampler and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

11.1 Gibbs sampler

  • algorithm:
    1. separate the parameter vector \(\theta\) into \(d\) components (also called subvectors) \(\theta = (\theta_1, \dots, \theta_d)\)
    2. for each iteration \(t\), each component is cycled through (thus, there are \(d\) steps for each iteration)
    3. for each iteration \(t\), for each \(j\) component of \(\theta\), each \(\theta_j^t\) is sampled from the conditional distribution given all the other current values of \(\theta\): \(p(\theta_j | \theta_{-j}^{t-1})\)
    • where \(\theta_{-j}^{t-1} = (\theta_1^t, \dots, \theta_{j-1}^t, \theta_{j+1}^{t-1}, \dots, \theta_d^{t-1})\)
    • is just all of the current values of \(\theta\) where some have yet to be update in iteration \(t\)
  • ex: bivariate normal distribution
    • a bivariate normally distribution population with mean \(\theta = (\theta_1, \theta_2)\) (so \(d = 2\) for this example) and covariance matrix \(\begin{pmatrix} 1 & \rho \\ \rho & 1 \\ \end{pmatrix}\)
    • given single observation \((y_1, y_2)\)
    • uniform prior on \(\theta\)
    • posterior distribution defined in (5.1)
    • need conditional posterior distribution for each \(\theta_j\) on the other components of \(\theta\)
      • here, use equations A.1 from appendix A (pg. 582): (5.2)
    • Gibbs sampler just alternatively samples from these two conditional distributions

\[\begin{equation} \begin{pmatrix} \theta_1 \\ \theta_2 \end{pmatrix} | y \sim \text{N} \begin{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} y_1 \\ y_2 \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \rho \\ \rho & 1 \\ \end{pmatrix} \end{pmatrix} \tag{5.1} \end{equation}\]

\[\begin{align} \begin{split} \theta_1 | \theta_2, y &\sim \text{N}(y_1 + \rho (\theta_2 - y_2), 1 - \rho^2) \\ \theta_2 | \theta_1, y &\sim \text{N}(y_2 + \rho (\theta_1 - y_1), 1 - \rho^2) \end{split} \tag{5.2} \end{align}\]

  • below is the code for the example described above
chain_to_df <- function(chain, names) {
  purrr::map_dfr(chain, ~ as.data.frame(t(.x))) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%

# Run a single chain of a Gibbs sampler for a bivariate normal distribution.
gibbs_sample_demo <- function(data, rho, theta_t0, N = 100) {
  theta_1 <- theta_t0[[1]]
  theta_2 <- theta_t0[[2]]
  y1 <- data[[1]]
  y2 <- data[[2]]

  chain <- as.list(rep(theta_t0, n = (2 * N) + 1))
  chain[[1]] <- c(theta_1, theta_2, 1)

  for (t in seq(2, N)) {
    theta_1 <- rnorm(1, y1 + rho * (theta_2 - y2), 1 - rho^2)
    chain[[2 * (t - 1)]] <- c(theta_1, theta_2, t)
    theta_2 <- rnorm(1, y2 + rho * (theta_1 - y1), 1 - rho^2)
    chain[[2 * (t - 1) + 1]] <- c(theta_1, theta_2, t)

  chain_df <- chain_to_df(chain, names = c("theta_1", "theta_2", "t"))

rho <- 0.8
y <- c(0, 0)
starting_points <- list(
  c(-2.5, -2.5), c(2.5, -2.5), c(-2.5, 2.5), c(2.5, 2.5)

gibbs_demo_chains <- purrr::map_dfr(
  seq(1, 4),
  ~ gibbs_sample_demo(y, rho, starting_points[[.x]]) %>%
    add_column(chain = as.character(.x))

plot_chains <- function(chain_df, x = theta_1, y = theta_2, color = chain) {
  chain_df %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = {{ x }}, y = {{ y }}, color = {{ color }})) +
    geom_path(alpha = 0.6, show.legend = FALSE) +
    scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set1")

plot_points <- function(chain_df, x = theta_1, y = theta_2, color = chain) {
  chain_df %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = {{ x }}, y = {{ y }}, color = {{ color }})) +
    geom_point(size = 0.75, alpha = 0.75) +
    scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set1")

theta_axis_labs <- function(p) {
  p +
      axis.title.x = element_markdown(),
      axis.title.y = element_markdown()
    ) +
    labs(x = "θ<sub>1</sub>", y = "θ<sub>2</sub>")

gibbs_plot_chains <- plot_chains(gibbs_demo_chains) %>%

gibbs_plot_points <- gibbs_demo_chains %>%
  group_by(chain, t) %>%
  slice_tail(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  plot_points() %>%

(gibbs_plot_chains | gibbs_plot_points) + plot_annotation(title = "Gibbs sampler")

11.2 Metropolis and Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

  • the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is a generalized version of the Metropolis algorithm
The Metropolis algorithm
  • is a random walk with an acceptance and rejection rule to converge to the target distribution
  • steps:
    1. draws a starting point \(\theta^0\) from a starting distribution \(p_0(\theta)\) such that \(p(\theta^0|y) > 0\)
    2. for time \(t = 1, 2, \dots\):
    1. sample a proposal \(\theta^*\) from a jumping/proposal distribution \(J_t(\theta^*|\theta^{t-1})\)
    2. calculate the ratio of the densities: \(r = \frac{p(\theta^*|y)}{p(\theta^{t-1}|y)}\)
    3. set \(\theta^t = \theta^*\) with probability \(\min(r, 1)\), else \(\theta^t = \theta^{t-1}\) - if the proposal is more likely, it is always accepted, otherwise the ratio \(r\) is used as the probability of acceptance
  • the jumping distribution \(J_t\) must be symmetric such that \(J_t(\theta_a|\theta_b) = J_t(\theta_b|\theta_a)\)
  • the iteration still counts even if the proposal \(\theta^*\) is rejected
  • ex: bivariate normal distribution (same as before):
    • target density as bivariate normal: \(p(\theta|y) = \text{N}(\theta | 0, I)\)
    • jumping distribution as a bivariate normal with smaller deviations and centered around the previous iteration’s \(\theta^{t-1}\): \(J_t(\theta^*|\theta^{t-1}) = \text{N}(\theta^* | \theta^{t-1}, 0.2^2I)\)
    • thus, the density ratio: \(r = \text{N}(\theta^*|0, I) / \text{N}(\theta^{t-1}|0, I)\)
calc_metropolis_density_ratio <- function(t_star, t_m1, data, prior_cov_mat) {
  numerator <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(t_star, data, prior_cov_mat)
  denominator <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(t_m1, data, prior_cov_mat)
  return(numerator / denominator)

metropolis_algorithm_demo <- function(data, theta_t0, N = 1000, quiet = FALSE) {
  theta_t <- unlist(theta_t0)
  prior_dist_mu <- data
  prior_dist_cov_mat <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2)
  jumping_dist_cov_mat <- prior_dist_cov_mat * 0.2^2

  chain <- as.list(rep(NA_real_, n = N + 1))
  chain[[1]] <- theta_t

  n_accepts <- 0

  for (t in seq(2, N + 1)) {
    theta_star <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(
      n = 1, mean = theta_t, sigma = jumping_dist_cov_mat
    )[1, ]

    density_ratio <- calc_metropolis_density_ratio(
      t_star = theta_star,
      t_m1 = theta_t,
      data = data,
      prior_cov_mat = prior_dist_cov_mat

    accept <- runif(1) < min(c(1, density_ratio))
    if (accept) {
      theta_t <- theta_star
      n_accepts <- n_accepts + 1
    chain[[t]] <- theta_t
  if (!quiet) {
    frac_accepts <- n_accepts / N
    message(glue("fraction of accepted jumps: {frac_accepts}"))
  return(chain_to_df(chain, names = c("theta_1", "theta_2")))

metropolis_chains <- purrr::map_dfr(
  seq(1, 4),
  ~ metropolis_algorithm_demo(c(0, 0), starting_points[[.x]]) %>%
    add_column(chain = as.character(.x))
#> fraction of accepted jumps: 0.888
#> fraction of accepted jumps: 0.868
#> fraction of accepted jumps: 0.914
#> fraction of accepted jumps: 0.869
metropolis_plot_chains <- plot_chains(metropolis_chains) %>%
metropolis_plot_points <- metropolis_chains %>%
  group_by(chain) %>%
  slice_tail(n = 500) %>%
  plot_points() %>%

(metropolis_plot_chains | metropolis_plot_points) + plot_annotation(title = "Metropolis algorithm")

The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
  • two changes to generalize the Metropolis algorithm:
    1. the jumping rule \(J_t\) need not be symmetric
    • generally results in a faster random walk
    1. a new ratio \(r\) (5.3)
    • can interpret at a re-weighting of the numerator and denominator by the probability of accepting or rejecting \(\theta^*\)

\[\begin{equation} r = \frac{p(\theta^* | y) / J_t(\theta^* | \theta^{t-1})}{p(\theta^{t-1} | y) / J_t(\theta^{t-1} | \theta^*)} \tag{5.3} \end{equation}\]

  • properties of a good jumping rule:
    1. easy to sample \(J(\theta^*|\theta)\) for any \(\theta\)
    2. easy to compute the ratio \(r\)
    3. each jump travels a “reasonable” distance
    4. the jumpy are not rejected too frequently

11.2 Metropolis and Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

  • for Bayesian analysis, we want to be able to use the posterior samples for inference, but requires special care when using iterative simulation
Difficulties of inference from iterative simulation
  • two main challenges:
    1. “if the iterations have not proceeded long enough… the simulations may be grossly unrepresentative of the target distribution” (pg 282)
    2. correlation between draws: “simulation inference from correlated draws is generally less precise than from the same number of independent draws” (pg 282)
  • to address these issues:
    • design the simulations to enable monitoring of convergence
    • compare variation between and within chains
Discarding early iterations of the simulation runs
  • warm-up: remove first portion of draws to diminish the influence on the starting location
    • how many to drop depends on the specific case, but dropping the first half of the chain is usually good
Dependence of the iterations in each sequence
  • thinning a chain: keeping every \(k\)th simulation draw
    • not necessary if the chains have converged
    • can help with preserving RAM if many parameters
Multiple sequences with overdispersed starting points
  • use multiple chains to be able to compare with each other
    • mixing and stationarity discussed below
Monitoring scalar estimands
  • check estimated parameter values and any other computed values of interest to see if their posterior distributions settle
Challenges of monitoring convergence: missing and stationarity
  • mixing: when the chains converge to the same distribution
  • stationarity: when each chains has converged to a consistent distribution of values
Splitting each saved sequence into two parts
  • a method for checking convergence and stationarity of multiple chains:
    • (after adjusting for warm-up) split each chain in half and check if all of the halves have mixed
    • checks mixing: if all of the chains have mixed, the separate parts of the different chains should also have mixed
    • checks stationarity: the first and second half of each sequence should be traversing the same distribution
Assessing mising using between- and within-sequence variances
  • calculations for mixing of the split chains:
    • \(m\): number of chains after splitting; \(n\): length of each split chain
    • \(\psi\): each labeled estimand (parameter or calculated value of interest)
      • label the simulations as \(\psi_{ij}\) where \((i=1, \dots, n; j=1, \dots, m)\)
    • between-sequence variance \(B\) (5.4) and within-sequence variance \(W\) (5.5)
    • estimate \(\text{var}(\psi|y)\) as a weighted average of \(B\) and \(W\) (5.6)
      • is actually an overestimate
    • use \(\widehat{\text{var}}^+(\psi|y)\) to calculate a factor by which the scale of the current distribution for \(\psi\) might be reduced if the simulations were continued \(\widehat{R}\)
      • the calculation for \(\widehat{R}\) has been updated since publishing BDA3
      • if \(\widehat{R}\) is above 1, indicates that letting the chains run longer would improve inference
    • using these calculations of variance is more reliable than visually checking for mixing, convergence, and stationarity using trace-plots
      • is also more practical when there are many parameters (such as is common for hierarchical distributions)

\[\begin{equation} B = \frac{n}{m-1} \sum_j^m (\bar{\psi}_{.j} - \bar{\psi}_{..})^2 \\ \quad \text{where} \quad \bar{\psi}_{.j} = \frac{1}{n} \sum _i^n \psi_{ij} \quad \text{and} \quad \bar{\psi}_{..} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_j^m \bar{\psi}_{.j} \tag{5.4} \end{equation}\]

\[\begin{equation} W = \frac{1}{m} \sum_j^m s_j^2 \quad \text{where} \quad s_j^2 = \frac{1}{n-1} \sum_i^n (\psi_ij - \bar{\psi}_{.j})^2 \tag{5.5} \end{equation}\]

\[\begin{equation} \widehat{\text{var}}^+(\psi|y) = \frac{n-1}{n}W + \frac{1}{n}B \tag{5.6} \end{equation}\]

11.5 Effective number of simulation draws

  • compute an approximate “effective number of independent simulation draws” \(n_\text{eff}\)
    • if all draws were truly independent, then \(B \approx \text{var}(\psi|y)\)
    • but usually draws of \(\psi\) are autocorrelated and \(B\) will be larger than \(\text{var}(\psi|y)\)
  • with non-normal posterior samples, may need to first transform the draws before calculating \(n_\text{eff}\) and \(\widehat{R}\)
  • recommendation is to sample until \(\widehat{R} \le 1.1\) and \(n_\text{eff} \ge 5m\) where \(m\) is the number of split chains (i.e. \(\text{number of chains} \times 2\)) (pg. 287)

5.2.3 Lecture notes

5.1. Markov chain Monte Carlo, Gibbs sampling, Metropolis algorithm

  • Gibbs sampler
    • with conditionally conjugate priors, the sampling from the conditional distributions is easy for wide range of models
      • software: BUGS, WinBUGS, OpenBUGS, JAGS
    • benefit: no algorithm parameters to tune
    • slow if parameters are highly dependent in the posterior
      • the high correlation create a narrow region in which the sampler moves, slowing exploration of the posterior

5.2. Warm-up, convergence diagnostics, R-hat, and effective sample size

  • \(\widehat{R}\) with only a few draws and with many draws:


Rhat-with-many-draws - update \(\widehat{R}\) is rank normalized \(\widehat{R}\) - original \(\widehat{R}\) requires that the target distribution has finite mean and variance - rank normalized removes this requirement - improved detection of different scales between chains - the paper also proposes local convergence diagnostics and practical MCSE estimates for quantiles - autocorrelation in the chains (think of as a time series analysis) - describes the correlation given a certain lag - how many steps does it take for the chain to forget a previous step - can be used to compare efficiency of MCMC algorithms and parameterizations - in the example below, the autocorrelation plot shows that it takes about 40 steps to reach a correlation of 0 - the x-axis should be “lag”

autocorrelation-example - calculating autocorrelation function - \(\hat{\rho}_{n,m}\) is the autocorrelation at lag \(n\) for chain \(m\) of \(M\) chains - can see the use of \(W\) and \(\widehat{\text{var}}^+\) from the calculation of \(\widehat{R}\) so that is accounts for how well the chains mix

\[ \hat{\rho}_n = 1 - \frac{W - \frac{1}{M} \sum_m^M \hat{\rho}_{n,m}}{2 \widehat{\text{var}}^+} \]

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