9 Section 9. Model comparison and selection


9.2 Notes

See notes for course section 8 for notes on ch. 7 of BDA3.

9.2.1 Lecture notes

9.1 PSIS-LOO and K-fold CV

  • given some data \(x\) and observed \(y\)
  • sample from posterior: \(\theta^{(s)} \sim p(\theta | x, y)\)
  • compute the predictive density for new \(\tilde{x}\) and \(\tilde{y}\): \(p(\tilde{y} | \tilde{x}, x, y) \approx \frac{1}{S} \sum_{s=1}^S p(\tilde{y} | \tilde{x} \theta^{(s)})\)
  • LOO-CV but weighting the draws using importance sampling:
    • importance ratio: \(r_i^{(s)} = p(\theta^{(s)} | x_{-i}, y_{-i}) / p(\theta^{(s)} | x,y)\)
      • the ratio of the posterior without \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) to the full posterior distribution
      • get higher \(r_i\) (more importance) for draws \(s\) where the probabilities are higher without the data points \(i\) than with them
    • \(r_i^{(s)} = p(\theta^{(s)} | x_{-i}, y_{-i}) / p(\theta^{(s)} | x,y) \propto 1 / p(y_i|x_i, \theta^{(s)})\)
      • because \(p(\theta^{(s)} | x,y) = \prod_i^n p(y_i|x_i, \theta^{(s)}) p(\theta^{(s)})\) and the difference for the ratio is that the numerator has one less data point (\(-i\)) than the denominator
      • therefore, everything cancels out to leave \(1 / p(y_i|x_i, \theta^{(s)})\) (multiplied against a constant)
    • easier to work with logarithms: \(\log(1/p(y_i|x_i, \theta^{(s)})) = -\log(\text{likelihood}[i])\)
  • importance-weighted predictive distribution: \(p(y_i|x_i, x_{-i}, y_{-i}) \approx \sum_{s=1}^S (w_i^{(s)} p(y_i|x_i, \theta^{(s)}))\)
    • where weight \(w_i \leftarrow \text{PSIS}(r_i)\)
      • Pareto smoothing to help stabilize the importance weights
  • can have problem where very large importance weights make it that there are very few effective draws for this calculation
    • most draws will have little effect when there are a few dominating importance ratios
    • can look at the distribution of the weights to see how reliable the importance sampling is
    • compute the effective sample size \(n_\text{eff}\) from the importance ratios
  • Pareto smoothing
    • can approximate the extreme tail of the importance ratios using a generalized Pareto distribution
    • Pareto dist. has two parameters
      • scale
      • shape (\(\hat{k}\)): how many finite moments the weight distribution has
        • if the shape is less than 0.5, then the variance is finite
        • else, the variance may be infinite and CLT may not hold - means the approximation is not reliable
        • in practice, \(\hat{k} < 0.7\) is okay
  • plot the Pareto \(\hat{k}\) and \(n_\text{eff}\) for each data point (will usually be inversely correlated)
K-fold CV
  • varieties
    • can approximate LOO by removing some \(n\) number of data points
    • leave-one-group-out for hierarchical models
    • leave-one-block-out for time series
      • remove all data from a certain time point or range

9.2 Model comparison and selection

  • CV for model assessment
    • CV is good for model assessment when application specific utility/cost functions are used
    • also useful for PPC
      • model mis-specification diagnostics using Pareto-\(\hat{k}\) and \(p_\text{LOO}\) (effective number of parameters)
      • checking model calibration and LOO predictive error
  • sometimes do not need CV
    • sometimes comparing predictive distribution to observed is enough to compare models
  • can compare LLPD between models to see which data points are best modeled by each
  • can compare models using ELPD
    • standard error of the difference in ELPD se_diff only works for normally-distributed error
      • not always a good assumption
      • only when the models are properly specific and the number of observations is large (>100 data points)
  • What is one is not clearly better than others?
    • recommend “continuous expansion including all models”
      • make a model that contains both of the others as special cases
        • instead of a pooled model vs. separate model, use a hierarchical model
        • use a negative binomial instead of a poisson
      • sparse priors like regularized horseshoe prior instead of variable selection
    • model averaging with Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) or Bayesian stacking
      • when continuous expansion is not an option
    • if nested
      • (e.g. use the model with 2 variables instead of the 10 variable model that contains those 2 variables)
      • use the simpler model assuming some cost for extra variables
      • or use the more complex model if you want to take into account all the uncertainties
  • CV and model selection
    • can use CV for model selection if
      1. small number of models
      2. the difference between models is clear
    • do not use CV to choose from a large set of models
      • selection process leads to overfitting
      • more likely to chose the model that just happens to best fit the data
    • overfitting in selection process is not unique for CV
  • Take-home messages:
    • it is good to think about predictions of observables, because observables are the only ones we can observe
    • CV can simulate predicting and observing new data
    • CV is good if you do not trust your model
    • different variants of CV are useful in different scenarios
    • CV has high variance, and if you trust your model you can beat CV in accuracy

9.3 Variable selection with projection predictive variable selection

  • Rich model vs feature selection?
    • If we care only about the predictive performance:
      • include all available prior information
      • integrate over all uncertainties
      • no need for feature selection
    • Variable selection can be useful if:
      • need to reduce measurement or computation cost in the future
      • improve explainability
    • Two options for variable selection:
      1. find a minimal subset of features that yield a good predictive model
      2. identify all features that have predictive information
  • shrinkage priors alone do not solve the problem
    • common strategy to fit a model with shrinkage prior and select variable my their marginal posteriors
      • (marginal posteriors = regression coefficients)
    • issues:
      1. marginal posteriors are difficult to interpret if features are correlated
      • their posteriors will be correlated
      • may each have a posterior around 0, but their joint distribution is not
      1. how to do post-selection inference correctly?
      • add average cumulative effect
      • set to zero and re-fit
      • etc…
  • different approach: focus on predictive performance
    • two-step process:
      1. construct the best predictive model we can \(\rightarrow\) reference model
      2. variable selection and post-selection inference \(\rightarrow\) projection
    • instead of focusing on marginal posteriors, find the subset of features with closest predictive performance to the reference model
    • (watch lecture for description with the example)