6 Section 6. HMC, NUTS, and Stan
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6.1 Resources
6.2 Notes
6.2.1 Reading instructions
Outline of the chapter 12
- 12.1 Efficient Gibbs samplers (not part of the course)
- 12.2 Efficient Metropolis jump rules (not part of the course)
- 12.3 Further extensions to Gibbs and Metropolis (not part of the course)
- 12.4 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (used in Stan)
- 12.5 Hamiltonian dynamics for a simple hierarchical model (read through)
- 12.6 Stan: developing a computing environment (read through)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- review of static HMC (the number of steps in dynamic simulation are not adaptively selected) is Neal (2012)
- Stan uses a variant of dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (using adaptive number of steps in the dynamic simulation), which has been further developed since BDA3 was published
- The first dynamic HMC variant was by Hoffman and Gelman (2011)
- The No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS) is often associated with Stan, but the current dynamic HMC variant implemented in Stan has some further developments described (mostly) by Betancourt (2017)
- Instead of reading all above, you can also watch a video: Scalable Bayesian Inference with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo by Betancourt
Divergences and BFMI
- divergences and Bayesian Fraction of Missing Information (BFMI) are HMC specific convergence diagnostics developed by Betancourt after BDA3 was published
- Divergence diagnostic checks whether the discretized dynamic simulation has problems due to fast varying density.
- See more in a case study
- BFMI checks whether momentum resampling in HMC is sufficiently efficient (Betancourt 2016)
- Brief Guide to Stan’s Warnings provides summary of available convergence diagnostics in Stan and how to interpret them.
- Divergence diagnostic checks whether the discretized dynamic simulation has problems due to fast varying density.
6.2.2 Chapter 12. Computationally efficient Markov chain simulation
(skipping sections 12.1-12.3)
12.4 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- random walk of Gibbs sampler and Metropolis algorithm is inherently inefficient
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) uses “momentum” to suppress the local random walk behavior of the Metropolis algorithm
- such that is moves more rapidly through the target distribution
- for each component \(\theta_j\) in the target space, there is a corresponding momentum variable \(\phi_j\)
- the posterior density \(p(\theta|y)\) is augmented by an independent distribution \(p(\phi|y)\) on the momentum: \(p(\theta, \phi | y) = p(\phi) p(\theta | y)\)
- to compute the momentum, HMC requires the gradient of the log-posterior density
- in practice, this is computed analytically
The momentum distribution \(p(\phi)\)
- common to use a multivariate normal distribution with mean 0 and a diagonal mass matrix \(M\)
- \(\phi_j \sim \text{N}(0, M_{jj})\) for each \(j = 1, \dots, d\)
- ideally, the mass matrix should scale with the inverse covariance matrix of the posterior distribution \((\text{var}(\theta|y))^{-1}\)
The three steps of an HMC iteration
- update \(\phi\) by sampling from its posterior (same as its prior): \(\phi \sim \text{N}(0, M)\)
- simultaneously update \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) using a leapfrog algorithm to simulate physical Hamiltonian dynamics where the position and momentum evolve continuously; for \(L\) leapfrog steps with scaling factor \(\epsilon\):
- use the gradient of the log-posterior density of \(\theta\) to make a half-step of \(\phi\): \(\phi \leftarrow \phi + \frac{1}{2} \epsilon \frac{d \log p(\theta|y)}{d \theta}\)
- use the momentum \(\phi\) to update position \(\theta\): \(\theta \leftarrow \theta + \epsilon M^{-1} \phi\)
- use the gradient of \(\theta\) for the second half-step of \(\phi\): \(\phi \leftarrow \phi + \frac{1}{2} \epsilon \frac{d \log p(\theta|y)}{d \theta}\)
- calculate the accept/reject ratio \(r\) (6.1)
- set \(\theta^t = \theta^*\) with probability \(\min(r, 1)\), else reject the proposed \(\theta\) and set \(\theta^t = \theta^{t-1}\)
\[\begin{equation} r = \frac{p(\theta^*, \phi^* | y)}{p(\theta^{t-1}, \phi^{t-1} | y)} = \frac{p(\theta^*|y) p(\phi^*)}{p(\theta^{t-1}|y) p(\phi^{t-1})} \tag{6.1} \end{equation}\]
Pause here and watch video on HMC by Betancourt: Scalable Bayesian Inference with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.
12.5 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for a hierarchical model
(Walks through the process of deciding on model and HMC parameters and tuning \(\epsilon\) and \(L\) for HMC.)
12.6 Stan: developing a computing environment
(Very briefly describes Stan.)
6.2.3 Lecture notes
6.1 HMC, NUTS, dynamic HMC and HMC specific convergence diagnostics
Definitely worth looking at the visualizations in this blog post: Markov Chains: Why Walk When You Can Flow?
Interactively play with HMC and NUTS: MCMC demo
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- uses gradient of log density for more efficient sampling of the posterior
- parameters: step size \(\epsilon\), number of steps in each chain \(L\)
- if step size is too large, then the chain can get further and further away from the high density regions leading to “exploding error”
- can experiment with this in the simulation linked above
- if step size is too large, then the chain can get further and further away from the high density regions leading to “exploding error”
- No U-Turn Sampling (NUTS) and dynamic HMC
- adaptively selects the number of steps to improve robustness and sampling efficiency
- “dynamic” HMC refers to dynamic trajectory length
- to maintain “reversibility” condition for the Markov chain, must simulate in two directions
- dynamic HMC in Stan
- use a growing tree to increase simulation trajectory until no-U-turn stopping criterion
- there is a max tree depth parameter to control the size of this
- pick a draw along the trajectory with probability adjusted to account for the error in discretized dynamic simulation and higher probability for parts further away from the start
- therefore, don’t always end up at the end of the trajectory, but usually somewhere near the end
- Stan can also adjust the mass matrix to “reshape” the posterior to make more circular and reduce correlations between parameters to make sampling faster and more efficient
- occurs during the initial adaptation in the warm-up
- use a growing tree to increase simulation trajectory until no-U-turn stopping criterion
- max tree depth diagnostic
- indicates inefficiency in sampling leading to higher autocorrelation and lower ESS
- possibly step size is too small
- different parameterizations matter
- divergences
- HMC specific
- indicates that there are unexpectedly fast changes in log-density
- comes from exploding error where the chain leaves high-density regions of the posterior and gets lost in other directions
- occurs in funnel geometries common in hierarchical models because in the neck of the funnel, the high-density region is so thin, the trajectory can easily leave and enter a very low-density region
- problematic distributions
- Nonlinear dependencies
- simple mass matrix scaling doesn’t help
- Funnels
- optimal step size depends on location
- can get stuck in the neck of the funnel causing divergences
- Multimodal
- difficult to move from one mode to another
- can be seen if multiple chains end up in different locations
- Long-tailed with non-finite variance and mean
- efficiency of exploration is reduced
- central limit theorem doesn’t hold for mean and variance
- Nonlinear dependencies
6.2 probabilistic programming and Stan
example: Binomial model
data {
int <lower=0> N; // number of experiments
int<lower=0,upper=N> y; // number of successes
parameters {
real <lower=0,upper=1> theta ; // parameter of the binomial
model {
1,1); //prior
theta ~ beta(// observation model
y ~ binomial (N, theta ); }
example: running Stan from R
library (rstan)
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel ::detectCores())
<- list(N = 10, y = 7)
d_bin <- stan(file = "binom.stan", data = d_bin) fit_bin
example: running Stan from Python
import pystan
import stan_utility
= {"N": 10, "y": 8}
data = stan_utility.compile_model('binom.stan')
model = model.sampling(data=data) fit
example: Difference between proportions
data {
int<lower=0> N1;
int<lower=0> y1;
int<lower=0> N2;
int<lower=0> y2;
}parameters {
real <lower=0,upper=1> theta1;
real <lower=0,upper=1> theta2;
}model {
theta1 ~ beta(1,1);
theta2 ~ beta(
y1 ~ binomial(N1,theta1);
y2 ~ binomial(N2,theta2);
}generated quantities {
real oddsratio;
1 - theta2)) / (theta1 / (1 - theta1))
oddsratio = (theta2 / ( }
some HMC-specific diagnostics with ‘rstan’
example of scaling data in the Stan language
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of data points
vector[N] x;
vector[N] y;
real xpred; // input location for prediction
transformed_data {vector[N] x_std;
vector[N] y_std;
real xpred_std;
x_std = (x - mean(x)) / sd(x);
y_std = (y - mean(y)) / sd(y);
xpred_std = (xpred - mean(x)) / sd(x); }
- other useful R packages worth looking into:
- ‘rstanarm’ and ‘brms’: for quickly building models with the R formula language
- ‘shinystan’: interactive diagnostics
- ‘bayesplot’: visualization and model checking (see model checking in Ch 6)
- ‘loo’: cross-validation model assessment, comparison and averaging (see Ch 7)
- ‘projpred’: projection predictive variable selection
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